Bokashi CompostingWorm Composting

4 Reasons Why We Should All Compost

If you care about the environment, you will be in favour of the composting process. This concept is all about giving back to the earth what it has given you. Ideally, it is about recycling our biodegradable waste.

Composting is a fulfilling process that involves piling your waste materials which then break down into a black, fragrant and crumbly residue called compost. Why is this important?

1) Save Money
If you review your household waste closely, you will find at least 40% of it is biodegradable. Choosing to compost this waste can save you garbage collection charges.

If you have a garden, you can also save plant food and growing media costs by using your own compost to grow and fertilizer to feed your plants.

2) Help the Environment
The waste that goes to the landfill breaks down anaerobically (without oxygen). This produces methane gas which is very harmful to the environment.

3) Give back to the land
When you compost, you are directly giving back to the land. Applying the compost to the soil in the ground or to potted plants, significantly benefits the soil and the plants grown. Adding compost to your plants will flourish and reward you with healthy and vigorous growth.

4) You learn as you compost
You do not need to be a pro to be able to compost. All you need to have is a big heart for nature, and you are set to go. What you have to remember is that you are doing the environment a great favour by being involved in such a process. Not everyone loves to garden, having said that, it is also true that not everyone will love the idea of making compost.

Practice makes everything perfect. This is also true of the idea of composting. Through time, you will be able to develop your own techniques. And hopefully, you will be able to share with others what a gem you have found in this kind of process.