The Nocturnal Pollinators

When the sun sets, the bats come out to work and play.

Bats are mammals that feed and play at night. They feed mostly on insects, nectar and other parts found within flowers. Bats can travel great distances and they will tend to carry pollen from flower to flower as they feed.

Over 500 different types of fruit and tropical plants are pollinated by bats. The Kigelia Africana or African Sausage tree (also known as Muratina in Kikuyu) for example is pollinated by Bats. And yes, the baked fruit or roasted seeds from the tree are used to flavor the beer.

Mangoes, peaches, bananas and cocoa are other examples of fruit and tropical plants pollinated by bats. Tequila, another popular alcoholic drink is made from the Agave plant that is pollinated by bats. Clearly, it would appear drinks consumed mostly at night, are pollinated by the nocturnal pollinators.

Bats also play an important role in keeping harmful insects away from crops. Fruit-eating bats disperse seeds that are critical in the restoration of forests. Bat droppings (referred to as Guano) are important natural fertilizers.

Bats face several threats to their existence. Changes to land use, climate change and uninformed hunting are some examples of ways in which bats experience threat to their livelihood.

Bats may be scary and some of them awkward looking, but they do so much for pollination and protection of important plants that is necessary to preserve them .

The conservation of Bats requires the involvement and active participation of each and every citizen.

Bat Photo by Zdeněk Macháček

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